The City of Flint and the Flint Housing Commission (FHC) were awarded a HUD Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant for the South Flint community, including FHC’s Atherton East property. The grant funds creation of a Plan that includes strategies for greatly improving housing for current Atherton East residents while bringing the community together in a series of conversations aimed at building better and stronger local relationships, increased job opportunities and improved services. Working with the community, we acted on specific recommendations of the City’s Master Plan to ensure local residents are presented with high-quality housing options and neighborhood amenities that improve their quality of life. The Planning Team, led by Camiros, carried out a planning process that enabled residents and community members to create a shared vision for the South Flint Community. From this and other efforts, a Plan was developed and adopted to, among many goals, address past mistakes and create equal opportunities for all members of the community. PORTFOLIO
South Flint Neighborhood Plan
Flint, MI
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