The Rockford Choice Neighborhoods Plan focuses on strengthening the bonds of housing and neighborhood improvements with appropriate services, schools, public assets, transportation, and access to jobs. It supports the redevelopment of the Fairgrounds Valley housing complex within the context of a comprehensive revitalization plan for the Ellis Heights/Fairgrounds neighborhood that focuses on directing resources to address three core goals: Housing, People and Neighborhoods.
The vision developed by the community is the following: The Ellis Heights neighborhood is a nice place to live! It is safe, affordable, clean and pleasant. There is strong homeownership, with respectful and responsible neighbors looking out for the welfare of others. It is a community where children are nurtured, families can grow, and seniors can enjoy their years. Ellis Heights is a responsible community, with active leadership and strong institutions.
Our priorities for improving neighborhood quality of life are:
- Income and jobs, the catalysts for making progress on other initiatives
- Creating a safe, healthy neighborhood for families with an emphasis on our youth is paramount
- Education and physical improvements
- Neighborhood engagement and capacity building
The Ellis Heights Choice Neighborhood Plan was honored with the 2012 Illinois APA Award for Outstanding Community Outreach and the 2014 Award for Implementation.