©2017 — Camiros, Ltd.
Through the leadership and visioning of Camiros we have achieved great success during the completion of this planning effort.
Camiros took what could have been a very difficult task and not only created an ordinance that will service the city well, but managed an organized, positive process to meet a demanding timeline and a challenging stakeholder environment with aplomb.
The UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) would not be where it is today without the guidance and leadership of Camiros.
The experience provided by Camiros in a series of planning and development projects, and specifically Salt Lake County’s Zoning Project has created tangible and practical solutions for Salt Lake County.
The support (Camiros) provided to the City and FHC was experienced and malleable. Working with two separate entities can prove to be challenging, but the staff at Camiros handled this task professionally and their commitment to balance the needs of both entities produced a product that everyone is beyond pleased with.