We have the opportunity to create a unified, desirable neighborhood, with a unique identity with better connections to the greater Rockford community – physically, economically and culturally. Through a program of focused investment and improvement, the Ellis Heights neighborhood can become a linchpin between the west side and greater Rockford, bringing these disparate parts of the city together. Our vision, developed by neighborhood residents as we engaged in planning is as follows:
All too often neighborhoods become known by headlines, statistics and obstacles… no longer. From today forward we believe in creativity, in opportunity, in power, in motivation, in ourselves. From today forward, we will promote, discover, believe and mix it up! Ellis Heights will be a desirable place to live! It will be creative, safe, affordable, clean and pleasant. There will be strong homeownership, with respectful and responsible neighbors looking out for the welfare of others. It will be a community where children are nurtured, families can grow, and seniors can enjoy their years. It will embrace the creativity of its residents and build a strong local arts economy in addition to homes for more traditional business enterprises. Ellis Heights will be a responsible community with active leadership and strong institutions.