Envision Comanche, led by Camiros, is a Master Plan project
to transform Comanche Park, a Housing Authority of the City of Tulsa (THA)
property, into a mixed-use, mixed-income community while ensuring a strict
one-for-one replacement of all existing apartments. Envision Comanche is not
just a plan but a guide for community growth, action and empowerment. The plan
not only seeks to provide better housing, but to also create additional
education, health and training opportunities and ensure improved transportation
and park spaces to the residents of Comanche Park, and its neighbors.
The Envision Comanche planning team participated in the
annual summer block party to receive direct feedback from residents regarding
three draft site plan diagrams of what a transformed Comanche Park could look
like. The various elements of the site diagrams which include a range of
housing types and age-separated parks for example were informed by community
feedback received at previous planning meetings, discussions, and events. Residents
were also given the opportunity to create their own site plan using monopoly
pieces to represent different building types.
Watch the news clip from KTUL-ABC 8 highlighting the event.