Goldsboro, NC
The West Oak Choice Neighborhoods Plan is a transformative initiative aimed at revitalizing the West Oak neighborhood and redeveloping the distressed West Haven public housing site. Led by Camiros in coordination with the Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro (HACG) and the City of Goldsboro, this effort is designed to create a vibrant, mixed-income community by investing in high-quality housing, infrastructure, education, workforce development, and economic opportunities.
Developed through an extensive planning process, the plan reflects the input of West Haven residents, community stakeholders, and local organizations. It outlines a vision for a safe, diverse, and thriving neighborhood, where new mixed-income housing, upgraded public spaces, and enhanced transportation networks support a higher quality of life. The plan also prioritizes economic mobility by connecting residents to job training, financial literacy programs, and employment pathways.
Key initiatives include the redevelopment of West Haven into a modern, mixed-income housing community, the creation of a state-of-the-art park along Ash Street, and the establishment of a Project Development District to fund infrastructure improvements. Educational partnerships with organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club and Kinetic Minds will expand after-school and workforce training programs, addressing chronic absenteeism and economic disparities.
The West Oak Choice Neighborhoods Plan is a collaborative effort to build a resilient and inclusive neighborhood. Through strategic investments and strong community engagement, West Oak is set to become a model for sustainable revitalization, ensuring that current and future residents benefit from lasting improvements and economic opportunity.
ROME, GA – Listening and Learning.
That’s the first step in the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative revitalization project for East Rome — and it will directly involve those people living in the area, two paid ambassadors and local area youth.
“We’d love to be able to hire one John Graham Homes resident and one resident of larger East Rome as part of our team,” Adam Rosa, of the Chicago-based urban planning firm Camiros, told Rome city commissioners Monday night.
Continue to read the article from the Rome News-Tribune here
HUNTINGTON, WV — A development firm is being sought for several projects within Huntington’s Fairfield neighborhood, the first of which could bring a highly requested grocery store as well as apartments to the former Northcott Court property.
The projects are part of a draft Fairfield Innovation Plan, which is described as a road map to revitalization of the former Northcott Court property and the enhancement of the surrounding neighborhood. The projects, to be completed in three phases, would help re-establish Fairfield as a “vibrant and resilient community of opportunity and choice,” according to the plan.
Read more from the Herald-Dispatch
HUNTSVILLE, AL – The announcement didn’t come gradually or with the drama that accompanied the rollout of the top four teams participating in the college football playoff, but for the city’s civic leaders the news was just as exciting and filled with suspense for the future.
Huntsville is one of four cities nationwide to receive a Choice Neighborhood Planning grant. The Rocket City joined Rome, Ga.; Trenton, N.J.; and Omaha, Neb.; in receiving the award.
The cities were notified in September and Huntsville officials unveiled plans Thursday on how the $1.3 million grant will be used.
“We’ll renovate west of downtown and around Butler Terrace,’’ said Scott Erwin, the city interim director of community development.
Plans call for new affordable housing, commercial opportunities and entertainment options.
Erwin said the blueprints are designed to renovate “distressed public housing’’ and improve blight in a one-mile radius around Butler Terrace, which was built in the early 1950s. The area is from Bob Wallace and Memorial Parkway west to Triana Boulevard and I-565.
Read more at Huntsville Business Journal