Choice Neighborhoods holds public workshop for south Flint residents
“The Atherton East community has a bad reputation, basically. There’s just things that need to be improved. It has a lot of potential and this is a good start”
“The Atherton East community has a bad reputation, basically. There’s just things that need to be improved. It has a lot of potential and this is a good start”
“The store is going to bring light to our neighborhood community on the west side,” she said. “This is a big change, and we’ve needed that.”
I am writing this letter in support of Camiros, Ltd., with regard to their planning and community development experience. As the executive at the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) that has overseen the Rosewood Choice Neighborhoods Planning Initiative, I have had the opportunity to work with Camiros for the past 21 months. Camiros serves as HACA’s Planning Coordinator for this HUD-funded initiative, and has engaged in a variety of planning activities related to the revitalization of HACA’s Rosewood Courts public housing property and the surrounding neighborhood. Activities have included: preparation of a planning handbook; development of a comprehensive data book with demographic, land use, zoning, housing, education, employment, transportation, health, crime, asset, environmental and other conditions that inform planning; project website; key person interviews with critical stakeholders; assistance in determining Task Force membership and responsibilities; field surveys and neighborhood physical needs assessment; design and implementation of Community Meetings (assets, challenges, visioning, housing); planning for and conducting Task Force Meetings (project and program development); solicitation and interpretation of a market analysis; and guidance in the development of HACA’s Housing Developer RFQ.
As the Choice Neighborhoods project focuses on housing, people and neighborhoods, Camiros conducted meetings with residents and the community to determine physical preferences for the property, guiding principles for its development and created draft site concepts that were presented to the community for feedback. Moreover, Camiros has worked with HACA to develop appropriate strategic social service and community initiatives through information gathered in Community and Task Force Meetings and determined how to move those programs forward. Camiros is currently working with the developer and HACA staff to further develop the housing component, as well as plans for community project implementation and program governance.
The work that Camiros has produced has been high quality, and the HACA team has enjoyed working with them over the past two years. The team is extremely professional, skilled and knowledgeable about the latest trends in urban planning and development, and we have learned a great deal from each team member – as each has a solid foundation and knowledge in general planning knowledge along with niche expertise. While Camiros’ relationship with HACA has primarily been in the planning capacity, I know that the team’s skills extend beyond the work that we have requested, and that the organization has worked on many successful planning efforts across the country. I encourage you to consider Camiros’ qualifications and expertise in selecting a team to successfully help you plan for housing and neighborhood revitalization efforts as well as other planning projects. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Sylvia Blanco
Executive Vice-President
Housing Authority of the City of Austin
Dear Colleagues,
It is my sincere pleasure to write a letter in support of Camiros, Ltd. for their efforts in Choice Neighborhoods planning. I had the extraordinary opportunity to work with the Camiros team in creating the Ellis Heights Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan under the Rockford Housing Authority/HUD 2011 grant award. Through the leadership and visioning of Camiros we have achieved great success during the completion of this planning effort.
Additionally, Camiros served as our planning partner in the expansion of our Ellis Heights plan as we moved to a broader footprint known as the Westside Connections plan. This plan was the basis for the 2013 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant request submitted in September 2013. The Camiros team guided the planning meetings and the creation of the documents for the Westside Connection neighborhood. Their comprehensive vision process unites and activates residents in the process so that a true reflection of the community’s wants and needs is captured. They are also cognizant that this vision must mesh with the Authority’s vision and implementation capacity.
In conclusion, I give Camiros, Ltd. my support in Choice Neighborhoods planning. As we strive to provide better housing, we grow to become better communities. Camiros, Ltd. understands how important that goal is. It would be most beneficial to have them on your team. Please contact me at (815) 489-8570 if I can be of any further assistance.
Ron Clewer
Chief Executive Officer
Rockford Housing Authority
In August 2012, Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey tweeted at Etsy’s CEO, Chad Dickerson:
“Since we need an “Etsy Economy’ has Etsy begun any partnerships with high schools or job training? We’d love to explore.”
The captain of the Rockford Etsy Team joined in the dialogue:
“I’d love to see where this leads! Rockford Etsy Team is willing to help.”
This dialogue led to a unique partnership that will help Rockford build upon the creative talents of its residents.
The Etsy Craft Entrepreneurship Program in the Ellis Heights Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan is designed to foster a creative and community-based economic development program that will 1) raise the visibility of arts and culture as a realistic and “do-able” approach to economic development, 2) identify and inventory creative workers, artists and cultural entrepreneurs who will shape and move the program forward, 3) reveal and utilize hidden talents and cultural assets held by the community, and 4) highlight spaces and places where arts based and creative economic development programming can take place. The project will work to further integrate community strategies to create new opportunities for arts engagement, appreciation, growth, pride and economic benefit.