The final draft of Bowling Green’s Community Action Plan has been released and can be viewed at the project website ( Camiros has worked closely with members of the Ohioan community and partners from Bowling Green State University (BGSU) for over 18 months, developing an action-oriented document that details seven planning priorities, each supported by implementable strategies that have been modeled to catalyze revitalization within neighborhoods around BGSU and advance the vision of the entire community. A highlight from this project includes being honored with “Best Practice” for the Court Street Connects (CSC) Festival awarded by the American Planning Association – Ohio Chapter. A video explaining the project and showing highlights of CSC can be seen HERE.
People gathered at Westminster Presbyterian Church for the second community meeting on Thursday, November 2 as part of the planning process to revitalize the City of DeKalb’s Annie Glidden North (AGN) area. This meeting included several participation activities for attendees, one of which was to work in small groups and establish visions for five different focus areas within the larger project area. They also voted on an early action project from a list based on feedback collected during the first community meeting. And finally, attendees were asked to propose a name for the neighborhood. About 70 people were in attendance and excited to continue the planning process, contributing passion, local wisdom, and enthusiasm to work toward an improved AGN. Read more about the meeting at the link.
North Star: “Annie Glidden North Revitalization plan moves forward with early action project”
A new way for moving through Fort Dodge, Iowa is complete: the Crosstown Connector. This transportation enhancement project is a direct recommendation described in the award-winning Downtown Plan that Camiros completed for Fort Dodge in 2008. In the article referenced below, Mayor Matt Bemrich is quoted as saying, “I fell in love with this project almost right away… It just gave me a feeling that we could reinvent downtown.” Indeed, its purpose is to enhance downtown by offering more direct access to commercial development east of downtown via the 1st Avenue South rail corridor overpass.
Click below to read more about the recently implemented project:
“Crosstown connector: Completed”
Learn more about the Fort Dodge Downtown Plan HERE.
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