Congratulations to the City of Buffalo on its recent adoption of the Buffalo Green Code! Camiros is proud to have served as the City’s primary consultant throughout the process of creating a new Land Use Plan and form-based Unified Development Ordinance.
The Green Code creates a new framework for development in Buffalo, encouraging walkable urban neighborhoods, prioritizing the preservation of historic urban form, and promoting quality urbanism, multi-modality, and adaptive reuse through the elimination of minimum parking requirements city-wide: a first for any major City in the United States. The UDO’s place-based approach balances Buffalo’s existing urban context with economic development goals, long-term environmental stewardship and neighborhood vitality. Importantly, the Green Code is also largely a reflection of the will and values of Buffalonians, having gone through an extensive public process including over 230 public meetings and events.
We’re happy to have had the opportunity to work with the City on this exciting process! To learn more about the green code, please explore the links below!
Mayor Signs Buffalo’s Green Code into Law – The Buffalo News
Buffalo’s Zoning Code Steps into the 21st Century – The Buffalo News
Green Code Puts Buffalo in Category with Only Two Other Cities in U.S.
Green Code will help Buffalo to grow again
The Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) recently broke ground on the first phase of replacement housing as recommended in the Ellis Heights Choice Neighborhoods Plan, which can be read about HERE. The Grove at Keith Creek is a 49-unit mixed-income development located in an area of opportunity on Rockford’s east side, close to jobs, services and community amenities. Camiros strongly supports the RHA, City of Rockford and Gorman & Company on this important first step towards reinvestment and support for families currently living in the distressed Fairgrounds Valley development.
To learn more about the ground breaking, click here:
“Developer Gary Gorman pledges to be good neighbor on Rockford’s New Towne Drive”
Bowling Green community members gathered on Tuesday August 30 at Crim Elementary to kick off a year-long process to develop a Community Action Plan that will provide revitalization strategies for all neighborhoods in the City while identifying relevant projects that have specific application to the City’s East Side. During the meeting, residents and stakeholders in attendance worked together to highlight the assets, issues, and opportunities that exist in their community and offered ideas for early action projects that can be implemented quickly to jumpstart the revitalization process.
To read more about the project, please visit the project page:
“Bowling Green Community Action Plan”
You can also follow progress of the plan at the project’s Facebook page:
On Wednesday September 7, residents from the Buena Vida Development and the larger Brownsville, Texas community celebrated the award of a $500,000 Choice Neighborhood planning grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The event marked the kick-off of a two-year planning process to revitalize the Buena Vida area, which is being led by the Housing Authority of the City of Brownsville in partnership with the City of Brownsville. Camiros is serving as planning coordinator in collaboration with Borderless Studio.
Read more about the event here:
“City, HACB celebrate award of HUD help for Buena Vida”
This project is one of many examples of Camiros’ involvement in Choice Neighborhoods planning. Learn more about our Choice Neighborhoods work HERE.
The potential redevelopment of Southtown Court in Birmingham, Alabama keeps moving forward as officials from the Housing Authority of the Birmingham District (HABD) recently met with prospective development partners. Back in early July, HABD released a request for developer proposals to begin revitalization of the 25-acre site that currently holds 455 units of public housing. Redevelopment of the Southtown Court in Birmingham is a key action of the Southside Neighborhood Plan, recently completed by Camiros in collaboration with local residents, community leaders, and HABD.
Read more about the progress of Southtown Court here: “Housing Authority exploring redevelopment options for Southtown site”