A key impetus for updating Bourbonnais’ 2006 Comprehensive Plan was to reflect the new realities of real estate development and the general economy. The 2006 Comprehensive Plan was based on high growth and significant expansion of the Village’s boundaries, neither of which are likely to occur in the foreseeable future, largely due to the 2007/2008 economic downturn. Camiros prepared the Bourbonnais’ Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2013, and vision for its future with guidance from five main themes: 1) sustainability, 2) new market realities, 3) comprehensive mobility, 4) key nodes of development, 5) and connections to local natural resources. A number of recommendations in the adopted Comprehensive Plan were informed by Camiros’ prior work in the Village of Bourbonnais, including the Village’s Downtown Plan, completed in 2010. The residents of the Village desired to create a downtown environment that would foster a sense of pride, heritage and excitement within the area of the community’s original 1830’s settlement. Camiros responded to this vision by proposing a combination of public improvements to support the existing land use pattern, and a development strategy that can be implemented over time to accommodate new uses and future growth while preserving older buildings to retain the downtown’s heritage as possible.
Comprehensive Plan & Downtown Plan
Bourbonnais, IL
©2017 — Camiros, Ltd.