Camiros created a comprehensive plan to help guide development and maximize investment in the City and County over the next twenty-five years. To set a course for the creation of the plan, an extensive visioning process was established that reached out to the community for insight and input through various channels, including focus groups, numerous town hall meetings, a countywide survey, public visioning sessions and a community leader’s breakfast. The plan is structured to address four key topics, or themes—
- Balanced land conservation and development: to focus urban development within the limits of the City within a designated growth boundary, which helps to optimize the maintenance of prime agricultural land.
- Accessible and connected region: to ensure regional movement aimed at accommodating major truck access to the employment and manufacturing centers of the City with minimal impact upon community centers and neighborhoods.
- High quality of life community: with a focus on older neighborhood revitalization and reinvestment.
- A sense of pride in place: to rekindle the spirit and support of the citizenry in the community through a range of physical improvement and programmatic actions.
The plan provided major recommendations for improvement and reinvestment in the city center, the development of its major transportation corridors, improved public access to Lake Decatur, a main recreation resource, strengthening of airport-supportive employment and commercial activities and the development of an agricultural research park which tied to the Farm Progress Show and Richland Community College.