Camiros drafted a new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the City of New Orleans, recently adopted by the City Council. This work builds on the layers of planning undertaken in New Orleans since the storm, including a new Master Plan that was the first phase of this project where Camiros provided key input. The Master Plan builds a long-range framework for the core systems that shape the city’s social, environmental, and economic future, and the new ordinance will implement those recommendations. Two of the most important components of the Ordinance is the incorporation of “place-making” standards to rebuild New Orleans in its established character and principals that build resiliency into policies and regulations to facilitate rebuilding as a sustainable city. This includes creating districts that reflect the eight “places” within the City: the historic core, urban neighborhoods, modern neighborhoods, rural residential areas, open space, destination centers, employment centers and the downtown. Each of these places has tailored form-based controls that define their character and allow for sustainable development.
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
New Orleans, LA
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